014 - Tom Storey - Leveraging Video and Building your Database

Meet Tom Storey, the 26-year-old, top producing, Toronto real estate agent. Tom is leveraging video, his database, and mindset to rapidly grow his business. He has been recognized many times and REP Magazine has awarded him one of Canada's top 100 REALTORs® under 35. In this episode, you will learn about Tom's "Ideal Day" and how he spends his time.

Also, he breaks down his video strategy in detail and gives some top-notch tips on how to produce quality videos. Tom very dedicated to his database and he provides tips on how to stay in touch with these individuals. Finally, Tom gives some great insight into mindset and how this has helped him grow his business.

Enjoy this episode with Tom Storey.



015 - Sean Carpenter - Building Relationships, Solving Problems, and Having Fun


013 - Anthony Brown - Overcoming Obstacles and Making Everyone's Day Better